Environment and Energy
UNEP publishs a broad range of publications: annual reports and thematics publications.
The Energy Statistics Yearbook published by the UN Statistics Division is a series of annual compilations of internationally comparable statistics summarizing world energy trends.
IEA World Energy Ooutlook presents analytical insights into trends in energy markets and what they mean for energy security, environmental protection and economic development.
The UNSD website provides a comprehensive list of databases available.
There are many international and regional organizations engaging in the collection and compilation of environmental statistics. The UN Statistical Commission, at its 34th session, empowered UNSD to convene the Intersecretariat Working Group on Environment Statistics (IWG-ENV) to coordinate and harmonize the development of standards, methods, data collections and capacity building programmes in environment statistics.
The permanent members of the IWG-ENV are organisations/agencies that have a well-established international programme on environment statistics, including direct and regular collection of comprehensive environment statistics from countries. Other organisations/agencies and countries with experience in specific areas of environment statistics are invited to participate in specific IWG-ENV activities.
Current Members of the IWG-ENV are:
- United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
- Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)